Interested in Serving on the UEC Board of Directors?

As a Member, You Have a Voice in the Direction of Your Cooperative

UEC is a member-owned and locally controlled cooperative. The Board of Directors makes business and policy decisions in setting the direction of UEC. To ensure strong local leadership, members elect directors, on a rotating basis, from each of the seven districts.

The election process begins in December, when candidate selection committees (Nominating Committees) begin their work, and ends at the Annual Meeting in April with a final tally of votes and announcement of winners.

Director terms expiring during this election year include:

  • District 5 (Echo-Butter Creek - Hermiston), currently held by Tom Pitzer.
  • District 6 (Mission-Meacham-Weston Mountain), currently held by Steve Platt.
  • District 7 (Hermiston), currently held by John Otis.

The term of office is three years. Watch for details about how you may run in the December edition of Ruralite, delivered to mailboxes near the first day of the month. You are encouraged to email: if you have questions.